1943 Eastern Amateur Hockey League Champions – 1943, 1944 American Hockey Association Champions – 2004, 2008, 2017 Armed Service Hockey Association Champions – 2014 NCR Public Service Hockey League Champions – 2017 Heroes Cup Champions – 2020 Navy Federal Veterans Showcase – 2023 DC Fire Tournament Champions
Community - Sportsmanship - Tradition

Event Request
Thanks for all you do for Coast Guard Hockey. The following form will allow you to request support and sanctioning from the Coast Guard Hockey Organization for your requested event. We ask that you submit requests at least 60 days in advance for the best results.
I understand that in submitting this request, I will be representing the Coast Guard Hockey Organization (CGHO). While the event will represent the u. s. Coast Guard (USCG0 in a de facto manner, I understand and will make every effort to ensure that this event is not mistaken for an officially supported and sanctioned USCg function and will only use CGHO logos in any advertising or branding. When in question of misrepresentation or legalities, I will contact the CGHO .
I agree that any event registration money and event costs will be collected and paid by CGHO respectively.
If using CGHO supplied uniforms, I will inventory all items upon receipt, and prior to returning them to the regional or national representative noting any damage or missing items to the regional/national representative immediately. Uniforms will be laundered (cold water) prior to return. Individual members are responsible for returning the full uniform that they are issued. If items are lost, the individual member will be responsible for paying for a replacement and will remain ineligible for any CGHO sponsored events until they do so.