Download File Uvpackmaster
After downloading, install the engine in the system (by running the installer exe file as you usually install applications in Windows). During installation select the path where you want to install the engine. If you already have any other UVPackmaster engine installation present in your system (e.g. an older version), the installer will automatically remove it before installing the new engine.
Download File Uvpackmaster
After downloading, run the installer script. The default extract location used by the script is /opt/uvpackmaster/engine3, but you can change it if you like. Changing the path is not recommended though, because the UVPackmaster addon will be able to automatically detect the engine, if it is extracted into the default path - no additional setup steps will be required.
Sometimes when you download an addonyou get a zip package, but instead of being intended to directly install, thezip package contains documentation, install instructions and other files alongwith the actual addon installation files. 041b061a72